Edition in Foreign Language
Édition en Langues Étrangères

Edition in Foreign Language

The revival of the communist movement is an international event. Revisionism has been an international degeneration of the communist movement, it affected some universal aspects of the communist movement; its universal success is based on the limits of the former communist movement. The revival of the communist movement can happen only as an international phenomenum even if it comes out in different times and forms for different countries. Going beyond universal limits, even if it only concerns small states, is concerning the whole world and this is some contribution to the international communist movement. Hence with this analysis the new PCI consider it is necessary:

1. to learn from the outside and deal out in Italy each success of the outside communist movement

2. to spread out in what way the Italian Communist Movement can help the communists of other countries

3. to support in each country the efforts of Communists in order to rebuild new communist parties based upon Marxism-Leninism-Maoism or strengthen those already existing.

In order to positively perform these tasks, the Provisional Commission of the Central Committee of the new PCI has set up since 2001 the Edizioni in Lingue Estere (EiLE) [Edition in Foreign language] starting to publish documents in French, Spanish and English. In order to receive the material published by EiLE you may get in touch with the Delegation of the Provisional

Commission by writing to:

Delegazione CP

BP3 4, rue Lénine 93451 L’Ile St. Denis (FRANCE)

or else e-mail address: delegazionecpnpci@yahoo.it

The cost of the material meets with reproduction and postal expenses. You will be informed of the conditions of payment when the mail arrives.

Index of available texts on web